SCN Steering Committee
Kurt Borgmann, Senior Pastor, Manchester (IN) COB
Susan Boyer, Senior Pastor, LaVerne (CA) COB
Enten Eller, Pastor, Ambler (PA) COB
Brian Flory, Pastor, Beacon Heights (IN) COB
Sarah Kinsel, Pastor, Portland Peace (OR) COB
Rob Miller, Pastor, Northview (IN) COB
Zandra Wagoner, Chaplain, University of LaVerne (CA)
Carol Wise, Common Spirit, Minneapolis (MN) COB
Chris Zepp, Associate Pastor, Bridgewater (VA) COB
Clergy/Lay Leaders of SCN:
Cindy Barnum-Steggerda, ordained minister, COB
Jeff Carr, Senior Pastor, Bridgewater (VA) COB
Jim Chinworth, Associate Pastor, Manchester (IN) COB
Joanna Davidson Smith, licensed minister, Certified Spiritual Director, Western Plains District
Jeanne Davies, Pastor, Parables Community (IL) COB
Karen Eberly, Associate Pastor, Manchester (IN) COB
Mary Eller, Pastor, Ambler (PA) COB
Nan Erbaugh, Pastor, Lower Miami (OH) COB
Nancy Fitzgerald, Pastor, Arlington (VA) COB
Chuck Friesen, Antelope Park (NE) COB
Kay Gaier, Pastor, Wabash (IN) COB
Sara Haldeman-Scarr, Pastor, San Diego (CA) COB
Gary Haney, Leadership Team member, Goshen City (IN) COB
David Hendricks, Pastor, Prince of Peace (IN) COB
Bonnie Kline Smeltzer, Pastor, University Baptist/Brethren Church (PA)
Kimberly Koczan-Flory, ordained minister, Beacon Heights (IN) COB
Kres Lipscomb, Pastor, Springfield First (IL) COB
John Long and Janice Kulp Long, Pastors, Skyridge (MI) COB
October 2016
To: Annual Conference Leadership Team and Council of District Executives
From: Supportive Communities Network members
Re: Annual Conference Directive
Dear Annual Conference Leadership Team and Council of District Executives:
At its best, Annual Conference is a place where we struggle together to find the mind of Christ, holding our differences in creative and healthy tension while respecting the integrity of one another’s struggle to be faithful to the leading of God’s Spirit.
With deep sadness, we note that Annual Conference is increasingly becoming an unpleasant experience of division, hostility and lack of civility. The lgbtq community has been the primary target, although not the sole recipient of this enmity. Of equal alarm to us is a trend within our denomination towards legalism and a forced conformity that seeks to punish and even expel dissenters.
As a tradition that was forged out of dissent, this coercive drive towards conformity should greatly disturb all of us. After all, the Jesus whom we claim to follow pushed against a harsh legalism that ignored the needs and struggles of people. Instead, he healed on the Sabbath, engaged with those on the margins, and shared stories that surprised and disrupted assumptions of power and authority. He showed us that dissent is one way that God does new things in the world. Yes, it can be unsettling. Yes, it can foster division. Yet to respond punitively out of fear and anxiety to silence the “offenders” may, paradoxically, put at risk the very faith that we think we are protecting. As Gamaliel counseled the early church in Acts: “…if this plan or this undertaking is of human origin, it will fail; but if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them – in that case you may even be found fighting against God!” (Acts 5:38-39)
Authoritarian acts of discipline, punishment and threat do not represent the church at its best. Our finest moments as a faith community have never been characterized by intimidation, threats of leaving, or forced expulsion. Enforced legalism is not the path of faithfulness. We strongly urge the Leadership Team and CODE to reject the use of coercive force and punitive responses to address the tensions that we are experiencing as a body of Christ.
Instead, we would counsel you to be very careful with the power that is entrusted to you and the Annual Conference. Acting in haste to silence and forcibly extinguish or shut down an uneasy conflict will not solve the challenges that confront us as a church. We affirm the counsel of the 2000 Annual Conference that called for education, consultation and patience in our relationships with one another.
Rather than making a decision about “the authority of Annual Conference regarding the accountability of ministers, congregations, and districts,” you have an opportunity to bring a different kind of clarity and guidance that does not rely upon punishment or threat. Education, consultation and patience can offer a path towards an authentic community; one that is built on right relationship and mutual respect. We understand that it is difficult to live in uncertainty and trust. Yet we cannot help but think that this is ultimately what will lead us to the unity that continues to elude us.
Finally, as we contemplate the situation in which the church finds itself we note a telling irony. The lgbt community, the group that has borne the brunt of hatred, fear and discrimination within the church, continues to reach out with hope. Given that it is lgbtq people who are among the most impacted in this situation, we implore you to make it a point to talk with them and find out what it means to them to be married by a pastor and with the blessing of the church. We suspect that you may be surprised by the responses. Without that input, this process has very little integrity. For far too many years we have done a great disservice to the lgbtq community by our failure to listen, understand, and respond with respect and care, even though this is a key element in the 1983 Paper on Human Sexuality. This must stop. We can do better.
The Supportive Communities Network (SCN) of BMC has developed a set of principles, Called by Conscience, which can be downloaded at the bottom of this letter. This document outlines the Brethren and Biblical values that guide and direct us in our work; values that we think point to the best of our Brethren heritage, tradition and faith understanding. We offer this to you as a resource in your own discernment and also to indicate the perspective that we bring to our work and ministry.
You are being asked to adjudicate a problem that defies simple answers. The Annual Conference has set before you a challenging task in challenging times. As members of SCN, our experience over the decades has afforded us some unique insight and wisdom into the challenges that you face. Through our welcome and affirmation of the inherent goodness of lgbt people, we have experienced firsthand the mystery of God’s spirit moving among us as inclusive and committed communities of faith. We hope that one day the whole church will acknowledge this goodness, even as we now live in the tension of the not yet and the already.
Please feel free to contact us for conversation or clarification. You remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Courage and strength in the struggle,
SCN Steering Committee
Kim McDowell, Pastor, University Park (MD) COB
Denny and Dee McOwen, ordained ministers, Goshen City (IN) COB
Steve Norton, Pastor, Goshen City (IN) COB
Deb Oskin, ordained minister, Living Peace (OH) COB
Jaime Risser, ordained minister, Columbia United Christian Church (MD)
Debbie Roberts, Ellisforde (WA) COB
Andrew Sampson, ordained minister, Mission and Ministry coordinator, Beacon Heights (IN) COB
Janet Shaver, Pastor, Middlebury (IN) COB
Katie Shaw Thompson, Pastor, Highland Ave (IL) COB
Jay Steele, Pastor, Open Circle (MN) COB
Roya Stern, licensed minister, Common Spirit Grand Rapids (MI)
John Tomlonson, Leadership Team, Goshen City (IN) COB
Christy Waltersdorff, Pastor, York Center (IL) COB
Bev Weaver, Pastor, Goshen City (IN) COB
Joanna Willoughby, Common Spirit Grand Rapids (MI)
Christy Dowdy, Stone COB (PA)
Anna Lisa Gross, Stone COB (PA)
Congregations/organizations of SCN: (With many more in support, but unable to process the letter in a condensed time frame to add an official signature):
Arlington (VA) COB
Beacon Heights (IN) COB
Common Spirit Grand Rapids (MI) COB
Common Spirit Minneapolis (MN) COB
Common Spirit North Manchester (IN) COB
Goshen City (IN) COB
LaVerne (CA) COB
Living Peace (OH) COB
Lower Miami (OH) COB
Manchester (IN) COB
Modesto (CA) COB
Open Circle (MN) COB
Open Table Cooperative
Portland Peace (OR) COB
San Diego (CA) COB
Stone COB (Huntingdon, PA)
University Baptist Brethren Church (PA)
University Park (MD) COB Church Board
York Center COB (IL)
Womaen’s Caucus
Individual Signers:
Raymonde Rougier, Trotwood COB (OH)
Paul Schrock, Indianapolis, Northview COB
Emmett Eldred, Hollidaysburg COB
Sue Breiner, Northview (IN) COB
Don Knieriem
Kenneth W. Davidson
Janelle Flory Schrock, McPherson COB
Dorothy L. Davidson
Glenn Brumbaugh, University Baptist/Brethren Church
Deb Romary, Beacon Heights, Fort Wayne
John Oren-Scala, San Diego First Church of the Brethren
Ralph Detrick, Elizabethtown PA COB
Joyce Stoltzfus, Elizabethtown PA COB
Sue Williams, Newton (KS) Church of the Brethren
Philip Reynolds, Hope, Michigan District
Tom Hurst, McPherson COB
Rhonda Pittman Gingrich, Open Circle COB (MN)
Linda Lauderdale, Peace COB Portland Oregon
Susan Taylor, McPherson KS
Jeff Neuman-Lee, Whittier Community Church of the Brethren
Ken Gresh, Living Stream COB
Glenn McCrickard, Westminster Church of the Brethren
Bill Hollenberg, Beacon Heights COB
Chris Gottshall, Common Spirit MN COB
Karen Cox, Boulder Mennonite/Brethren Fellowship
Terry Link, Springfield COB (IL)
Madalyn Metzger, Goshen City Church of the Brethren
Shirley Kirkwood, Valley Friends Meeting, Dayton, VA
Matthew Boersma, Northview Church of the Brethren
Ineke Way, Skyridge COB
Kim Hill Smith, Common Spirit Minneapolis
Jim Moore, Salem
Marla Ullom-Minnich, McPherson, Kansas
Jonathan Bay, La Verne (CA) COB
Belle Tuten, Stone Church of the Brethren
Marie Benner-Rhoades, Elizabethtown (PA) COB
Eric Schmitt, New Carlisle OH COB
Gina Gascho, Happy Corner COB (OH)
Karen Bradley, Warrensburg Church of the Brethren
Robyn Hunt, Long Green Valley (MD) COB
Liz Bidgood Enders, Ridgeway Community COB
Rachel Horchler
Courtney Barry, Hempfield COB
Kathy Leininger, Linville Creek Church of the Brethren
Judith Miller, Linville Creek Church of the Brethren
Nancy Michaelian, Ridgeway Community Church
Vicky Aeschbacher, San Diego First COB
Doris Dunham, Bakersfield, CA
Jim Yaussy Albright
Emily Elder, Stone Church, Huntingdon PA
Lauren Seganos Cohen, Stone Church of the Brethren
Sandra Bolton, Daleville Church of the Brethren
Bill Scheurer, York Center Church of the Brethren
Lamar Gibson
Wendy Metzger, Manchester IN
Bonnie Marshall, UBBC
Jacki Hartley, Highland Ave COB
Heather Lantz, Linville Creek Church of the Brethren
Kathryn Pfaltzgraff
Ben Bear, Nokesville (VA) COB
Mary Jane Shearer, Manchester COB
Roger Eberly, Eel River Community
Linda Miles, Flat Creek, KY
Terrence Billenstein
Douglas Gehr, Akron, PA COB
Rita Foster, Cloverdale COB
Howard Miller, Columbia United Christian Church
Nancy Gwin, Northview COB, Indy
John Mortimer, San Diego First COB
Michael Iley-Sterne, Northview COB Indiana
AliceLee Hopkins, Bridgewater COB
Diane Driver, Linville Creek COB
Alice Bair, Linville Creek COB
Andrea Lantz Reamer, Linville Creek COB
Anne Reid, Cloverdale COB
Pam Shafer, Plymouth COB, IN
Greg Bidgood Enders, Ridgeway Community CoB (PA)
Martha Reish, Linville Creek COB
Joan Strawderman, Linville Creek COB
Beverly Eikenberry, Manchester COB
Carol Streator, Manchester COB
Bryan Hanger, Oak Grove Church of the Brethren
Larry Klingler
Joel Kline, Highland Avenue (IL) COB
Matt Guynn, Portland Peace (OR) COB
Lucy Basler, Ordained minister, WI Open Circle
Ann Anderson, Bridgewater COB
Ervin Anderson, Bridgewater COB
Jim Vaughn, Arlington COB
Egon Enns
Shirley A Landis, Lititz Church of the Brethren
David Witkovsky, Stone COB (PA)
Leslie Sperry, Beacon Heights COB
Erik Brummett, Live Oak Church of the Brethren