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Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved at BMC, including: joining the board, volunteering at conferences and conventions, fundraising and more. If you have any questions or would like to get involved, email us at

Serve as Kaleidoscope Coordinator

BMC's Kaleidoscope Program Coordinator is a full-time voluntary service position that provides support, resources and programming with and for lgbtqia+ Mennonites and Brethren with a focus on youth, young adults and college campuses. This position offers an opportunity to travel, learn the ins and outs of a small nonprofit, experience the joys of living in Chicago, and most importantly, make a difference in individual lives and within the church. For more info please see this detailed position description. BMC currently hosts this position through Mennonite Voluntary Service Chicago, which provides housing and a living stipend. Submit an application via MVS here. If you are interested or know someone who might be, please contact

Write for our blog

Outspoken is a variety of articles and essays relevant to lgbgtq people and their allies in Mennonite and Brethren communities. If you have something you'd like to write for Outspoken, contact us at

 Build Oral History Project

The Oral History Project (Our Voices) was produced by Amy Short and Paul Neudorf and is part of the our emerging Center for Queer Anabaptist and Pietist Studies. Do you have a story or history relevant to lgbtq people and their allies in Mennonite or Church of the Brethren communities? Can you help collect stories and oral histories by interviewing someone you know? Contact us at

The Queer Religious Justice Field Placement is an opportunity for seminary/divinity school students to support the important work of BMC and to engage in embodied theological praxis, grounded in a queer-led organization & religious justice movement. Find the full position description here

Help your congregation join SCN

If you want your congregation to be part of the Supportive Communities Network, start conversations with your pastors or congregants about lgbtq inclusion. Visit the SCN page for the application and resources and the Resources for Congregations page for resources about congregational conversations, process and pastoral care. Contact if your congregation is ready to join.

Join the BMC board

If you are part of or involved in a Mennonite or Church of the Brethren community and want to advocate for justice for lgbtq people, whether as an ally or an lgbtq person, consider joining the board. Board terms are three years with one renewal and the board meets twice per year. Contact for more information.

Share your gifts!

Do you have another way of getting involved that we haven't mentioned here? If you have something to offer the BMC community, let us know at

Staff the
BMC booth 

At the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference and the biennial Mennonite Church USA convention and district conferences and events, BMC needs volunteers to staff the booth. If you are willing to take a shift, let us know at for upcoming conferences and conventions.


BMC relies on donations and fundraising to sustain our organization. If you would like to donate individually, visit our Donate page. If you would like to host a BMC fundraiser in your community or congregation, contact us at Past fundraisers have included dinners, performances and more. 

Be a speaker

Share your experiences with a congregation, community or at a BMC event. If you are interested in lending your voice, contact us at Past speakers can be found in Outspoken, the Oral History Project and video and DVD resources.

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Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests

PO Box 15021 

Chicago, IL 60615

Contact BMC:


©2024 Brethren Mennonite Council 

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