Back Issues of Dialogue
Back issues of Dialogue may be available for a minimal fee. Contact the BMC office with requests.
May 1978
BMC organization Brethren/Mennonite church news
October 1978
Dialogue with Mennonite leaders; BMC speaks at Brethren Annual Conference
December 1979
BMC national meeting; Mennonite Assembly in Waterloo, Ontario; Mennonite Mutual Aid consultation
March 1980
Lesbian perspective; BMC testifies at White House Conference on Families; Brethren Human Sexuality Study
June 1980
Handicapped persons issues; BMC at White House; Brethren/General Conference church news
October 1980
General Conference Homosexuality Study; Laurelville human sexuality seminar; Brethren Annual Conference and Youth Study/Action Conference; Goshen College homosexuality forum; What it means to be Lesbian; Cuban immigrant placement
June 1981
A family looks at homosexuality; Brethren/Mennonite church news; BMC speaks to Roanoke Valley, Va. ministers conference
March 1982
BMC disinvited by EMC; Brethren Annual Conference and Mennonite Assembly
June 1982
AMBS seminarians study homosexuality; Brethren/Mennonite church news; BMC response to Mennonite-BCM anti-gay "Memo to Pastors"
December 1982
Spring 1983
Spring 1983: Sexual ethics; Brethren/Mennonite/General Conference church news
Summer 1983
Sexual ethics; Brethren/Mennonite/General Conference church news
March 1984
General Conference/Mennonite Bethlehem, Pa. Assembly and Brethren Baltimore, Md. Annual Conference
June 1984
Mixed-Orientation marriages; BMC and church news December 1984-- Biblical interpretation on slavery and homosexuality; Brethren Annual Conference; Parents retreat; McPherson College class; Mennonite World Conference BMC meeting
May 1985
Two ministers' views working with lesbians/gays; Pontius' Puddle cartoon; Brethren/Mennonite church news; BMC news
December 1985
A congregation discusses homosexuality; Mennonite/Brethren church news
July 1986
Women and lesbian perspective
October 1986
Brethren and General Conference conferences; First BMC international convention announced
July 1987
Gay gifts speech by Virginia Mollenkott; Reports from BMC's first international convention in Chicago; BMC Women meet in Goshen, IN
December 1987
BMC joins March on Washington; Milestones of lesbian/gay movement
May 1989
AIDS; Report on BMC's second International Convention in Toronto and Convention statements
July 1989
Integrating faith and sexuality
January 1990
Assessment of BMC and churches; Pastoral care for families of Lesbians and Gays; General Conference/Mennonite Normal, IL Assembly; Brethren Annual Conference; BMC Women's Community retreat
April 1990
Ex-Gay movement; events in churches
July 1990
Women and Mentors; Parents retreat; HIV+/AIDS Network
Nov 1990
Same-Sex relationships; legal issues
March 1991
BMC history; Current structure, future; BMC resources; BMC third International Convention reflections
August 1991
Tearing Down the "Isms:" sexism, heterosexism, racism, classism and oppression; AIDS hotline; Parents/Families retreat
December 1991
Families Loving Their Gay/Lesbian Children or Parents
June 1992
Biblical Interpretation and Homosexuality
October 1992
Congregations and Homosexuality
December 1992
Breaking Down the Dividing Wall of Hostility (how church leader's views have changed)
June 1993
Coming Out to the Congregation
Spring 1994
Civil Rights
Fall 1994
Commitment Ceremonies
Winter 1995
Betrayed by Brothers and Sisters: The Violence Among Us
Summer 1995
Perspectives on HIV/AIDS
Fall 1995
Vol 17, #3 Bisexuality: Challenging the Labels
Summer 1996
Vol 18, #1 BMC Celebrates 20 Years: A History
Winter 1997
Vol 19, #1 Supportive Congregations Network
Summer 1997
Vol 19, #2 Silencing in the Church
Autumn 1997
Vol 19, #3 Transforming Power Unleashed
Spring 1998
Vol 20, #1 Heterosexism and Sexism
Summer 1998
Vol 20, #2 Breaking Down the Dividing Wall; Living in the Church
Summer 1999
Vol 21, #2 Ordination Issues: The Unrelenting Push of the Spirit
Fall 1999
Vol 21, #3 Growth and Grief at Goshen College; The College Network
Spring 2000
Vol 22, #1 Marking Change in a Flowing Stream; Watershed issues in the church & BMC
Summer 2000
Vol 22, #2 Challenging the Church to Compassion; GLBT Families
Fall 2000
Vol 22, #3 Welcome Our Witness 2000; MC Canada reporting; growing edges for BMC
Winter 2001
Vol. 23 #1 Transgender Issues and Experiences
Spring 2002
Vol 24, #1 Stories of GLBT Allies
Fall 2002
Vol 25, #2 Sexual Ethics: Good Words Offered About Good Sex