Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing what the BMC board and staff are reading, streaming, cooking and playing.
Real Life by Brandon Taylor: A black, queer, southern student navigates the perils of academic life in the Midwest.
Weather by Jenny Offill: Offill’s fragmentary writing style captures the anxiety of modern-day life while also keeping the focus on the world we want to create together for the next generation.
Fiona Apple’s Fetch the Bolt Cutters (album): Best album of 2020 (thus far). Period.
Sugar Calling (podcast): Cheryl Strayed (also known as advice columnist Sugar) calls writers who have inspired her and asks them to share what insight they can provide on our current circumstances.
Parasite (Hulu): This was the last film I watched in the movie theater prior to the coronavirus lockdown—and I’m still haunted by the characters and storyline, especially given the class dynamics at play during this pandemic. A must-watch!
Merlí (Netflix): This Catalán-language series centers on an unconventional philosophy professor who teaches his students what really matters in life.
No Offence (Acorn TV): A female-led police procedural that makes good use of dark and irreverent comedy.
Nightly Met Opera streams (free): The company’s Live in HD series (14 years of performances!) is available for free streaming on the Met website.
Globe Theater productions of Shakespeare's plays (free): Six of the Globe’s productions are being shown for free via their YouTube channel (one at a time, on rotation every 2 weeks). Their production of Hamlet was absolutely stunning - and Macbeth will start streaming on May 11.
Frittata: Once you learn the “frittata ratio,” this will become your favorite brunch meal that also helps you clean out your refrigerator and cut down on food waste.
No-Knead Bread: Mark Bittman’s classic New York Times recipe, for those of you who are trying to avoid becoming sourdough starter people.