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BMC Partners

Mennonite Partners

Pink Menno

Pink Menno supports the inclusion of LGBTQ individuals in marriage, in ordination, and in the loving community of Christian fellowship within the Mennonite Church.

Inclusive Mennonite Pastors

The term “Inclusive Pastor” indicates Mennonite pastors (though not necessarily credentialed and not necessarily currently serving in MC USA) who believe the denomination should fully include and affirm LGBTQIA people in the life of congregations, conferences, and the denomination.

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Church of the Brethren Partners

COB Womaen's Caucus

“a for one woman, e for all women” Womaen’s Caucus is a network of feminist women and men who identify with the Church of the Brethren.

Open Table Cooperative

The Open Table Cooperative is an emerging movement within the Church of the Brethren that seeks to form a new, far-reaching progressive network within our denomination.

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Ecumenical Partners

Institute for Welcoming Resources

The purpose of this ecumenical group is to provide the resources to facilitate a paradigm shift in multiple denominations whereby churches become welcoming and affirming of all congregants regardless of sexual orientation and gender identity.

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For our community and congregational partners, visit:

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